
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Post I accidentally drafted instead of published. Whoops. - D

Finally arrived in Florida! It's absolutely beautiful here. Every day feels kind of like a vacation, which is great for stress levels....but diet.....not so much.

Crack cocaine in its purest form:

Crabcake Benedict, home fries and mimosa's on the beach:

So I logged onto a website called www.blogilates.com, which I've seen all over Pinterest.
She has good workouts, but she's too happy for me. I like whoever I'm working out with to be as cynical
and pissed off as I am. Maybe it will work for you, though!

There are two things I've learned the past 3 weeks. 1 - Living with a pregnant woman is horrible for your diet. 2 - Maybe you don't have to completely stick to a workout regiment someone else has planned out.

As I was eating potato skins, deep fried jalapeno poppers and chocolate ice cream for breakfast (pregnant women...I'm telling you...) for the second day in a row, I couldn't help but notice that my arms and legs were a little less flabby, and my love handles a little smaller. How could that be? Since the first day I arrived in Florida, I have yet to stop stuffing my face. Huge 3 course meals every day the week my Dad was here on vacation, birthday cake, ice cream, much needed glasses of wine and more trips through the Chick Fil A drive-thru than I'm willing to admit. In those 3 weeks I tried Jazzercise but was bored by day 3. Couch25K, but my shins hurt after 2 days. P90X which I love, but only have the opportunity to do twice a week. Walking my dog, whose obsession with chasing squirrels makes it beyond irritating.

Point is, I get bored easily. I don't know how people do the same thing day after day after day. So this weeks plan? Do all of that random stuff throughout the week. Will it work? I guess we'll find out together.

Now I'm off to devour a large spoonful of Trader Joe's Cookie Butter....and take the dog on a walk.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Intro- Kelsey

Hey friends! I'm Kelsey and on the left in this picture of Des and mine's last night in Lexington.

I'm a pretty typical workaholic super senior working on a biochemistry degree I'll (hopefully) be getting in December.  I'm currently trying to sort out my life (in the next three months...no big deal) while I have class to use as an excuse for not wanting to really grow up.  Three weeks ago I was planning on getting an MBA, two weeks ago I filled out an application for the Peace Corp, and this week I've been sitting on my couch a lot wondering how far I'd make it if I was on Survivor. Some people might (or have) called me scattered. Formerly a type a personality (Check it out), circumstances in my life have made me try to slow down and redirect myself to keeping cool, calm, and collected instead of freaking out and being high anxiety, which I have much more experience doing.

With my new mind set for life, I've gotten interested in practicing yoga and working out, eating green things, and learning to love my body no matter what mood I'm in that day. I also did my first sprint triathlon last year (2011).  It was rough to say the least.  When I heard Des was leaving, we started talking about training separately for a race and then coming back together in a year when she returns to finish a triathlon together.  Naturally a blog followed.  Here, we plan on tracking workouts, sharing recipes, and mostly motivating each other to break up with Ben and Jerry, stop looking at cat memes and go work out.  We all know losing our first loves hurts the worst, but good friends and good wine can fix anything.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Intro: Desarae

                                                              (That's me: Desarae!)

I can quickly and unashamedly be defined by pretty much every bullet point in "Stuff White People Like". I love local breweries (beer snob), herbal tea, Farmer's Market, pointless home DIY projects (currently stenciling the back of the closets in my guest bedroom), ethnic food, dry humor (and intense sarcasm), the dog park, hiking, camping, coffee (black) and apparently overusing parentheses. I'm incredibly close to my family and would do anything for my nieces. I work with Preschool-aged kids who have hearing and speech disorders. They forever change my life every day and I couldn't adore them any more than I do.

In 2 weeks I'm headed down to Florida to help my sister out with her two girls (and 1 on the way) while her husband is deployed for a year. Unfortunately this means leaving my best friend Kelsey behind in Kentucky.

We decided to keep us bonded while apart we would train for a Triathlon together and track our progress along the way (hence the birth of this wonderful blog!). Being at two different fitness levels --She's a yoga instructing, bike-commuting, 5k running BEAST. I sometimes walk to the corner store 1/10 of a mile from work to buy a Nutty Bar and Red Bull on my lunch break -- should make it quite the adventure!